Support Mino!

Mino has been running since March 2022 as a free to use service without any features being locked behind paywalls.
We try to stay available for free but unfortunately we also do have running costs that are currently covered by our own pockets.
Since i'm a student, i do not have a stable income that could be used to maintain this hobby of mine.
At the amount of traffic (roughly 2 million requests/month) we've been gaining since the beginning, makes me dependent on other's ability to host servers for Mino and help me pay them.
Since i want to be very transparent, i'll share the details of Mino's current running costs as accurate as possible.


People who actively support Mino with a Membership or provide a Server:

People who already donated to Mino:

If you love our services and would want to support us, feel free to do so over Kofi!
To report issues or request assistance, please visit the Discord Server.

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